How to start selling on Amazon?

How to start selling on Amazon?

Hi Readers,

Let us find the Glitch to make money on Amazon.

What details do you need to create an Amazon Seller Account?

We can set up our Amazon Seller Account in some simple steps, but first of all, we need to get this information ready with us to start setting up our business:-

  1. Select the Product to sell on Amazon
  2. Get your Documentation Ready (GSTIN, PAN Number, Bank Account Details)
  3. Think about the Name of the Business (Amazon Store Name)
  4. Your Name and Address of Business
  5. Our Contact Information – One for the customers and one for the Amazon Support Team (we can both do the same as well)
  6. Shipping Address (From where we want Amazon to pick up our orders)
  7. Small description of our Amazon Store

First and foremost we need to get clear about which product we want to sell on Amazon. We can sell anything on Amazon with the right procedure and planning.

After we had considered which product to sell, now it’s time to set up an Amazon seller account.

How to Setup an Amazon Seller Account?

Firstly, we need a GST number to start selling on Amazon if we are selling a product other than books and tax-exempt items. Get your GSTIN (Goods and Service Tax Identification Number) from the GST Portal.

After we get our GSTIN, it to set up our Amazon seller account –

Go to

amazon seller central home page

Click on Start Selling and set up a new Amazon account or log in with a previous Amazon account that you use while shopping from Amazon (that will become your permanent seller account).

After that you will be redirected to the account creation page, there, enter the basic credentials and password.

Once you have your login details set up, go to your Amazon Seller Central by logging in, and then you will be redirected to the Amazon Seller account setup page. On the Page –

  • Leave the ‘LIST PRODUCT’ part for now (Note:- Listing your product on the first step is not mandatory)
  • Enter the Basic Information
  • Enter your shipping address
  • Enter your bank account details
  • Enter your GST details
  • Upload your signature – Simply sign on a white paper and upload the image (This signature will be printed on the Customer Invoice)
  • After entering all the details except the product listing -Scroll Down
  • Click on the ‘CONTINUE TO AMAZON SELLER CENTRAL’ button at the bottom of the page.


Also Read> How to be profitable from the first order on Amazon?

We are now on our Amazon seller account. Now we can start listing our products and list them live on the seller portal. But for that, we need additional procedures. Not to worry about the complex procedures because we are here to explain it as simply as possible.

Oh, there is one more thing,

Keep the two-factor authentication on to protect your account double times. As its always great to double-check the door lock after it’s locked once.

Keep selling,

Keep Reading.

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